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People at Kolibri Games

Who is: Evgenia?

December 11, 2019

We Believe In People! To celebrate this core value of ours, we asked some of the people we believe in to share their Kolibri experience. From their first day at the office to daily life at the company, getting used to life in Berlin, and much more… so today, meet Evgenia!

What’s your name and what do you do here?

My name is Evgenia and I work as a QA Tester on the Idle Miner Tycoon Team.

Where do you come from?

From Russia, Moscow.

What does “QA Tester” mean?

QA stands for “Quality Assurance”. The “tester” part means that I test the game all day long. The job is the last part of the production cycle: after testing, the game or feature goes into release.

Does that mean that you’re playing games all day?

My parents and friends would say so. In reality, it’s a bit different. Of course, I play the game all day long, but I have to thoroughly test the certain features that we are working on and write test plans, etc.

How long have you been in Berlin for?

I studied here for almost four years, Computer science.

How do you like Berlin?

Berlin is kind of small for me, coming from Moscow. I like that it’s so different — every single district has its own history and vibe. You can walk for a kilometer and suddenly you’re in a completely different place.

Is there something you miss about home?

I miss my family most — I came here completely alone. Luckily, it’s easy to find Russian food in Berlin, and I get to speak Russian a lot.

What was your first day at Kolibri like?

I was super nervous about everything because I was completely new to QA and didn’t know anyone. Then I realized that everyone here is really nice so that release of tension was amazing.

When you play other games, can you enjoy them, or is your testing brain always going?

I was always finding things that I thought could be better in games, like bugs or UI elements, but couldn’t really pinpoint what annoyed me about them. My work here has given me the tools to approach these things from a more technical standpoint.

You’re on a deserted island with only one game, what do you pick?


What’s your favorite thing on your desk?

A picture from a photo booth from our 100 Million Downloads party where I’m having fun with my colleague.

What was the last thing you googled?

Yesterday, I google how to write the German word “anscheinend”, which vaguely translates to “apparently”. I’m super insecure about my grammar, so whenever I write with German speakers, I make sure to double-check my spelling.

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