Kolibri Games Awarded as Fastest-Growing German Company by FOCUS and Statista

October 21, 2020

October 2020 | For the sixth time, FOCUS and Statista have chosen Germany’s fastest-growing companies – the Wachstumschampions (Growth Champions) 2021. Kolibri Games took first place with an average annual growth rate of 398.8%.

Of the approximately two million companies entered in the national commercial register, Statista invited about 15,000 companies to participate in the competition. A public call for entries was published to invite additional companies that presented strong financial growth.

All data reported by competitors, as well as the self-researched data, was checked and processed by Statista. Additionally, all information submitted by contenders as part of the ranking process had to be confirmed in writing by an authorized person of the respective company.

In the end, the 500 companies with the highest financial growth between the years 2016 and 2019 made it into the ranking, which was featured in the new issue of FOCUS BUSINESS.

Daniel Stammler, Co-founder and Co-CEO of Kolibri Games, said:

We’re extremely happy to have been recognized as the fastest-growing German company this year. But we’re especially pleased with how we have achieved our growth over these past years: with a focus on sustainability, healthy work-life balance, deep work and quality work, not just quick profit. With a satisfied workforce, no overtime, no coercion or pressure, we have made it to the top.

The Kolibri Games CEOs Stammler and Sadowski were recently awarded as Young Entrepreneurs of the Year at the GP Bullhound Investor Allstars 2020.

About Statista

Founded in Germany in 2007, Statista employs about 900 people on four continents at twelve locations. Statista is a leading data and business intelligence platform and provides international market and consumer studies. The “Data as a Service” business model is unique in this form; there are no direct competitors on the market.